Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 3 The Next Test

Do you get drawn into this incrementely? Step by step you become an expert on ER terminology, really what is the difference between a CT scan and an MRI? well, now you know.
The CT scan is scary. Lee came with me and I was tense and anxious, sure that I had brain cancer and I was crying while the nurse put the iv into my arm. The man ahead of me had his lungs and torso scanned and I kept trying to peek into the control room to see. I have been so very quiet , partly because it hurts my throat to speak loudly, also because it is so much easier to let Lee do all the talking. I don't have to ask out loud all the scary questions.
Lying on the table for the scan I kept my eyes shut and tried to do some positive visualization. I also wondered about all the other people that had been on this table, good news or bad news?

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