Monday, August 21, 2006

Day 1 Diagnosis Day

Ouch. This is a surprise, or have I always known this was coming. When imagining the worst, isn't this what I always think? That reminder of the time in college with my throat so sore and still I was smoking. Is this what the call getting what you deserve? Does anyone deserve this, or any cancer? Why is this worse than breast cancer? Dying in a car accident becasue you weren't wearing a seat belt, isn't that the same thing? Will I ever be able to tell anyone?
Do you really know before the phone call? Have you know for years? These sore throats and the head aches that you have had for years, the symptoms you have been ignoring. Have you known this day would come? You knew when the Dr. called and then had to call back and then the long coversation with Lee that the news was not good.

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